Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Thing 15

watched The Machine is Us/ing Us" by Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Kansas State University on YouTube
read Tom Storey's Web 2.0 piece. thought came to me that we really don't know where the new Web 2.0 technologies will go: Who could've predicted the Internet (with the exception of probably some savvy sci-fi writers)
"Away from Ice burgs - happy to say CCPL Materials Dept. lead CCPL away from "just in case" print philosophies
Reliance on user education brought to my mind a different problem: How to get library users to use paid databases (sometimes which have superior info over free sources) when public (and I included myself)love a Google search.
"Come to us model" comments about info needs fit, but some customers still want books, dvds bocds as of now
"Into a new world of librarianship" points about library as a trend spotter and controlling Technolust are useful
"To Build Better Bibliographic Services" I suspect cataloging for public libraries will change drastically
read Blyberg, John. (2006). 11 reasons why Library 2.0 exists and matters; his comments about what the library's mission will be to elderly, boomer millennials is important.

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