Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thing 7

I was interested in the new iPhone. I went on the Apple site to learn more about iPhone than what I've seen advertised. Unfortunately, I've seen some negative press on the iPhone (long waits, battery installation)Maybe iPhone2 ?

Saw article in Balt Sun recently telling of site where you can videotape yourself and send it along as part of your job application. The thought was that many people have assets that come across better visually than in writing, or that they'd have an edge by using video.

Not nearly as innovative, new & exciting, but Interweave Knits is now sending me a daily email about subjects of interest to knitters.knittingdaily@e.knittingdaily.com So far darts & lace have been good. Amy MM & I share reactions to it.

Of concern, is the criticism Wikipedia recently rec'd as corporations have altered data which casts them in a bad light. Wikipedia's useful, but this highlights its weakness.

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